Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sit & type before you forget! : Part 2

(speaking of type, do u know that Howard Shan Lo, the techno-geek from Eye for a Guy 2 has such fast fingers, he types 150 wpm? WHO types 150 wpm? Who does he think he is, The Flash?)

Okay people, today it's all about the School of Rock. thou shalt be enlightened.

I received a call while in the school library one quiet afternoon. Very familiar number. I ran out to answer the phone. Jennifer from Music & Movement called to inform me that Amber & Me was one of the 20 bands chosen to be in the Semi-Finals. How did i react?

"Eh, stop jumping up and down, i can't hear you...Relax.", said Jennifer.

Like OMFG, i so didn't expect to get the call. naturally, i'd be estatic. After more squeals of joy, (and weird stares) it was down to serious business.


School Excursion 1 : SPH News Centre ( 9 July 05, Sat)

Interview, Photoshoot and Signing of Agreement.

Melissa Pang, u know her? Dinky said "pretty girl". Ashik said "she's cute right??"

Gimme a cute guy reporter, now! Heh.

The photograpther and this other reporter, Jill Alphonso, brought us to some stairway.

"Okay, i want a happy pose! Open your mouth and smile...", said Mr. Photographer.

So we posed, and posed and smiled and posed and laughed and i stopped, turned away from the camera for a short breather and straightened my top, and *kachik* the camera went. Did the camera just clicked? But i wasn't ready! Another *kachik*. Hey!!

Monday, July 11 2005
Life, The Straits Times.

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They just had to choose that one. Say hello to Hunchback of Notre Dame! *boohoo* Oh hell, at least it beats sporting a rigid pose and ending up looking like a bunch of Pee Wees, no?


School Excursion 2 : City Music ( 13 July 05, Wed)

All bands had to get their guitars toned for the Semis. Met up with the guys straight after school. They were in their ethnic costumes 'cause they were celebrating Racial Harmony Day in school. Heh. So it was off to Peace Centre. The moment we reached City Music, we were asked to leave our bags and guitars behind the counter. Who did i find sitting behind the counter? Mayuni Omar. Local songwriter/musician. Wanted to say hi, but decided not to.

After much drooling & swooning over the guitars and amps and keyboards, the guy whom I talked to over the phone, Yeegn Lougn, came to assist us with the guitar toning. Cool & Friendly guy. Not bad looking either. And eloquent guys are always good. (Found out a few days before the SEMIs that he was the General Manager and he's going to be one of the judges!)

Once done, we then proceeded to walk from Peace Centre all the way to the Esplanade but gave up once we reached City Hall Mrt. How fun.

To be cont'd......

This morning we were shown the percentage of our attendance for our OFA lessons in school so far. Warning letters will be sent to the parents of students whose percentage of attendance for all subjects is below 95. My friends would know me well, so i'm not going to elaborate on whether my attendance is above or below 95%. My friends have tried calling me to wake me up in the morning. Doesn't work. So now, my other classmate who lives nearby has offered to meet me at 7.20am at the bus interchange. I'm going to have to force myself to wake up and make sure i meet him on time! Thanx, Kenny. Let's hope this works.

It's now 1.58am. I'm going to sleep and wake up early in the morning. Body Combat today has been the best so far! Oh, and i finally got the Student Concession. Waha, i'll be tap tap tapping all the way....


the glamourchine laughed at 1:58 AM
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On Repeat
