Friday, August 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Singapore!

So, how did you spend your holiday?

Mine had been a blast!

First up, Shahida & I went down to Yishun to catch 3dash1. I wasn't really sure what time they were gonna be up but since Nashir said they were performing at 3.15pm, we took our own sweet time at lunch. On our way to that big field, we heard Ashik's voice saying, "Ok, this is going to be our last song". What?? Great.

So we quickened our pace and as we walked on the mud & sand i saw a familiar flustered face walking my direction. It was Scott. He was the friendly assistant stage manager for SOR. We waved eagerly at each other, had a brief chat, we walked on and saw the HUGE stage with the three small guys on it. Haha. They were performing the song they performed at the Finals, "And if you're Gone". Cool song. I like.

After they did their set, this tall guy in front of us turned and it was Sujin Thomas. He was one of the judges at the auditions and Semis and also a Music Reporter for Life!. After exchanging "hi"s, we went to stand in the shade and took shelter from the scorching heat. I guess even the centipedes in the field were looking for shelter too 'cause one long black one crawled up under my bootcut jeans! YIKES!!

Met up with the guys for a while then we left for City Hall. While waiting for Shermin & Ting, bumped into Andrew!

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Then Sha & I took more pix to occupy our time while waiting for them...

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Upon their long awaited arrival, to the Esplanade we went. Shermin brought her younger sister who is such a darling!! Im not one who's very fond of kids but she's an exception. Anyway, it wasn't at all surprising that everywhere we went to was overwhelmingly crowded. So we hung out at Mrs. Fields until Ting got hungry and we went to eat at 2Hot. People, the next time I suggest going there to eat, please kindly scream a "FUCK NO!".
After an absolutely unsatisfactory and expensive meal, we stood outside Thai Express waiting for the fireworks. Met Kak Sarah who was having dinner with her friends. Fireworks were beautifooool!! I especially loved the one where it seemed as though it was raining gold but the fact was black ashes rained on us. Wonderful, nonetheless.

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a cute guy laughed in amusement while we were taking this pic


the glamourchine laughed at 2:07 AM
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