Saturday, May 21, 2005

No matter how much older i get, how many times my computer has been rebooted, how many times i move house, how many people i meet, how many schools i've been to...I will never forget these songs. Don't ask why. When i can't find anything new to listen to, these are my top choice list of songs that i'll listen to. You should try listening to them.

Mmm Mmm Mmm - Crash Test Dummies. remember that one?
then there's...
Sex & Candy - Marcy Playground
Closing Time - Semisonic
Clutch - Shea Seger
Virtual insanity - Jamiroquai
House of Jealous Lovers - the Rapture

If anyone were to ask me what music genres i like in particular, i wouldn't have an answer. I'd rather not limit my choices in music. A lot of music artistes or bands find themselves classified/categorized under multiple genres/sub-genres, which is great coz it means wider selection for the masses...right? No? Take for instance, Gorillaz. Some say they're Hip-Hop & Rap, while some say they're Indie Rock. i think they're out to confuse us, that's all. Gorillaz rock my world. The animated band, that is. Feel Good Inc, anyone?

I also find that a lot of people choose the music they listen to, according to what they think (or they think others think) is cool or uncool which i find, ironically, uncool. Thus, the "What? You listen to ____?? EWW!". Blurgh, screw them.

I used to hate Dance/Electronic music because i thot onli "Ah Bengs & Ah Lians" listened to them. Not anymore. I like Electronic music, so sue me. But that doesn't stop me from listening to good old alternative/rock or any other types of music, for that matter. In fact, there are a lot of bands who play a fusion of electronic and rock. Can u hear the Hallelujah chorus? I can't, coz im Muslim :)

And then i hear people say, "It's not real music because they don't PLAY the instruments".

So, dangdut anyone?



the glamourchine laughed at 5:38 PM
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On Repeat
