Thursday, May 05, 2005

it's raining! cool weather at last. but i still love the sun nonetheless. As hot and sweaty and melekit as u get, the bright Sun never fails to give a cheerful feel to the day.

I think it's a growing trend to post Hate-Tags. I know of quite a few people whose blogs have been bombarded with Hate-Tags. Itulah kan orang-orang ni..terlebih masa sampai dah takda kerja menyusahkan hidup orang lain. What inspired the Hate-Tagger to say those things to the recipient, anyway? It cant all be the Hate-Tagger's fault, can it? Takkan takda ribut, takda angin tiba-tiba aje terasa nak memusnahkan ketenteraman orang lain, kenal atau tidak? They probabyl feel "menyampah"/"meluat" when reading the blog and feel tempted to say sinister things to hurt si Sang Blogger.

sigh. Dia punya suka lah dia nak cakap apa yang kau susah tu kenapa?

However, the blogger shouldn't be so eager to get all defensive and start rebutting and counter-attacking si Sang Hate-Tagger. There might be truth in what si Sang Hate-Tagger said eventho it wasn't expressed in the most polite way. Maybe si Sang Blogger is really sombong in real life and has hurt feelings of many unsuspected acquaintances.

Some blog-readers were probabyly exasperated (or jealous?) to boot when si Sang Blogger tu kononnya, "bragging". Hmm, is it wrong to be happy with what you have? Maybe you can call it "Bragging" if you're forcing people to read your boastful posts in the blog...but i'm pretty sure most people read blogs out of their own accord. which simply means that you can leave the blog if you're not happy with it..

In other words, i can talk about Dewa as often as i want to and you can't stop me :)

Maybe i should start bragging about something and see if i get a up the atmosphere of my blog, ya know? But i've nothing to brag about. No killer looks. No highflying job with bucketfuls of moolah (one day, insyaAllah. hehe). No Prada, no Gucci. but im thankful for what i already have. Great family, great friends. And im contented with the way my life is but im gonna work hard to make it even better. Syukur Alhamdulillah.


the glamourchine laughed at 11:27 AM
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