Friday, May 06, 2005

Did anybody watch "UP CLOSE" last night on Channel News Asia? I still remember what that lady said about how when u spent too much time planning & thinking about something, you'll be scared to jump in and take a risk. or something like that.

Well, watching that makes me miss my Debating days. Being in the school Debate Team was one of the memorable experiences from secondary school. I got to represent my school in all 3 rounds. (If not for biaseness on the organizer's part, we could've won that particular round, u suckers!)

Firstly, coz all who were in it were INVITED to join. There were only 11 of us, and we had debate pratice almost every single day with our Debate Coach, Mr Loke. This is one cool guy i tell you! He's crude and vulgar, he's loud & blatant and he's a good debate coach! He's hilarious but he's so mean that you hang on to anything good that comes out of his mouth. And when he praised me once, it really touched me and made my day.

Mr Loke, we miss you! We would stay in school and discuss & talk & debate until the school attendant would come chasing after us, wanting to lock the school at 7pm. haha, and thanx to him...we got to meet up with his Japanese debating students, and got to meet people from all over the world during the World Debate Championships 2 years ago. i didn't really believe you could be good-looking AND smart until i went to that. (not trying to say im smart :P ) Maybe its coz all the good-looking (not so smart) were mingling wif the smart (not so good-looking) ones. gosh, there were Orlando Blooms and Elijah Woods and other cute actor & actress lookalikes. And all the diff. langs and accents. Did we feel left out? YOU our own country at that.

Anyway, i'm going out with Aishah.


the glamourchine laughed at 11:30 AM
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